Thursday, September 6, 2012

Berry Boost Breakfast Smoothie

Sometimes I just can feel my body telling me " hey girl, I need some nutrients now." As bad as I hate to confess it-I'm not a big fruit eater. Just don't like the stuff. Never really have. Don't judge. I try. Really, I do. I can do an apple, some pineapple and maybe a bit of strawberry if it's drowning in whip cream. Guess it's a texture thing. Ya'll pray for me. I know I'm supposed to love the stuff. I know, I know. I take a super food green vitamin for that when I remember. Well, ok anyways. I heard my body telling me that today. So I made me a wonderful Berry Boost Smoothie. Super easy, super good. Chocked full of all those wonderful antioxidant berries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, even cranberries! Woo hoo score one for the healthy girl! Holla! I buy my fruit for smoothies frozen and keep them in the freezer. Easy peasy. I also keep a can of oj juice concentrate just to scoop out and add a tablespoon to my mix. No one around here drinks orange juice so I just keep it frozen in a ziplock and grab when I need it. Here's the cast of sexy slimming gorgeous ingredients in my Berry Boost Your Beauty Smooth. Thats what I should name it. The google bots will like that name better ..don't ya think?
Ok so here they are in all their shining glory.. Frozen Unsweetened strawberries. Dole Nutritious signature antioxidant blend ​"Mixed Berries with sweetened Cranberries" Yes, get the cranberries they are God's gift for health --besides you can't taste them. My poor pitiful oj concentrate. Sorry girls. I was making this for me, not worrying about what you thought about my concentrate can preservation skills! One 1/2 of a very ripe banana. He was shy, His peel wasn't look so hot so he jumped right in a skinny dippin' up in my blender. In the far back, Mr.Hunk, the muscle man Whey protein powder.. 26 grams per scoop mind you. I can't do fruit unless I balance with protein. We will just call him Wheddd. Ha Wade, do you get it? And my fabulous friend "Agave Nectar" light. Agave nectar is like honey but it's better for your blood sugar. Keeps you stable. Stable is good. I don't always have that right balance between Stable and Unstable. Oh well, thats another story. Then ice and water. You can do this! It's so easy my Yorkie could make it! You do need a blender though. You must get one. No decent SassyBelle can live life without a blender. Even if you don't use it.. You look smarter. ;) Free tip.
Okay so put it all in the blender. 1 scoop of Wade ( whey powder) 1/2 a banana 1/2 c berries, a sprinkling of strawberries, 1 tablespoon of Orange juice concentrate. 1/2 cup ice, 1/2 cup water, a nice 5 count drizzle of agave. You got this. Woot you can do it! Said in the voice of Antonio Banderas as Puss in Shrek.​ Say to yourself out loud before you blend Wooot. YOUUUUUUUUUU CAnnn dewwww it.
Just wanted to let ya'll all see what the Agave Nectar looks like. and of course the gorgeous blender beauty action about to go on. Kind of like marriage. You know that 2 becoming 1. They never tell you it's like being caught in a huge ole Vitamix. Seriously. But on to the recipe. After you've got it all in there. Blend baby blend. My blender has an ice crusher. I tend to like my smoothies not so liquidy and a little thick. You can determine this on your own. Btw, you are a big girl- the decision is yours to make. If it's too thick blend more or add water. Too thin throw in ice or ​more fruit. This is what it looks like. Yum!

That looks yum. It was yum. Now since you are doing something so good for yourself you must celebrate it. Get out that fancy stemware you never use and pour you up a smoothie. Or 2, cause this makes two. Depends on how hungry you are. I drink it all. Thats the way I roll besides I needed the vitamins and minerals and all! Pour it up into that fancy smancy glass and celebrate the fact God gave you another beautiful day to breathe in and out. Enjoy the moment and have a superb day. That is how you partake of a "Berry Boost YourBeauty Smoothie" Much love my friends. Keep on being Sassy! Have a good day now ya hear?​


1 scoop whey powder protein vanilla flavor​
​1/2 a banana, peeled
1 tsbp. frozen orange juice concentrate​
1/2 cup frozen Mixed Berry Blend with cranberries​
1/4 cup frozen unsweetened strawberries​
​Agave Nectar to taste - 5 count drizzle
1/2 cup ice​
1/2 cup water​


​Add all ingredients into blender and blend until your smoothie is the consistency you desire. Pour into a nice glass and drink immediately. Serves 2 unless you are hungry or just selfish and don't like to share.

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